TOTAL WAR Content Creator Spotlight: Enticity

Hello, Total War: WARHAMMER fans! Welcome to our new Total War Creator Spotlight: a blog where we will highlight our creative community contributors and talk with them about their creator journey. Come meet new faces or learn more about familiar ones with each new instalment.
Today we will kick off with none other than one of our partnered content creators: Enticity!
Enticity’s work primarily focuses on quick tips about Total War: WARHAMMER—where he dabbles in challenging campaigns and multiplayer—and sharing his deep knowledge and experience in our multiplayer scene as an advocate for the multiplayer community.
Read on for our chat with Enticity!
CA: Tell us about how you got started in content creation.
ENTICITY: I always wanted to stream games as a career, but always put it off since I was working full time. I loved playing Total War: WARHAMMER, though, and challenging myself with the game: playing loads of Challenge campaigns and diving into multiplayer.
But one fateful day, Loremaster of Sotek posted a speed run challenge to finish Eltharion’s final battle in as few turns as possible; I got it down to 5 turns and ended up winning even though faster strategies were developed after the fact. Anyways, you had to post your run to YouTube—which got my recording setup done—after which point, I begin streaming and eventually posting videos!
CA: Who were some of the people who influenced the content you create now?
ENTICITY: Strangely enough, most of my influences come from outside WARHAMMER… Most of my stream and video style comes from Day[9]TV streams; his positive attitude always made him stand out over others.
But while that inspired more of the heart and feel of my content, my shorter video series ended up a lot like SciShow or MinutePhysics—two channels I also watch a lot.
Special shoutout to Turin and Zerkovich, whose videos got me into Total War multiplayer.
CA: How and when did you get into playing Total War games?
ENTICITY: As far as Total War players go, I’m quite new to the scene. I started playing around January of 2017, when I started with WARHAMMER I. I had never even heard about the Rome or Medieval Total War games until years later. I grew up on Warcraft 3 and Starcraft, mostly, while missing out on earlier Total War titles.
CA: Is there a stream/video of which you’re especially proud?
ENTICITY: Definitely! My 10-hour stream finishing my “Franz, This is Total War, The End” campaign. The series (as a whole) was great and by far the most memorable to create.
CA: What do you enjoy most about the game now and what are you excited about in the future?
ENTICITY: I’m still a multiplayer fan at heart. Even though my videos are aimed at anyone that plays Total War: WARHAMMER III, most of my time is spent playing multiplayer.
CA: Do you have a favourite unit that stands out from all Total War titles?
ENTICITY: It’s not a flashy unit but Zombie Handguns are by far my favourite. A powder unit that won’t stop shooting, no matter what? Count me in!
CA: Across all Total War titles, what’s your favourite faction to play?
ENTICITY: Dwarfs for sure; I love me some gunplay.
CA: If you could give out one piece of advice to someone who has just started (or is thinking about) becoming a content creator, what would it be and why?
ENTICITY: Oh boy. I’d say produce 15 videos with the full expectation that they’ll all get 0 views. After that, send me a DM via my Discord. I enjoy talking about YouTube strategies as much as WARHAMMER ones, and I’d be happy to offer pointers.
CA: Your audience clearly enjoys your passion and knowledge of the Total War: WARHAMMER trilogy; what’s the future look like for your channel and community?
ENTICITY: The future of the channel is pretty fluid at the moment. For the next couple of years, I expect to continue covering Total War games and eventually dabbling in other strategy games as the channel grows.
CA: Could you give us a random piece of information about yourself!
ENTICITY: I enjoy pineapple on savoury foods like fried rice and pizza.
Thanks to Enticity for taking the time to chat with us! Be sure to check out his social channels to connect with them, or follow/subscribe to stay up-to-date with their latest content:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Enticity
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/enticity
- Discord: https://discord.gg/QbewmMX
We’ll see you next time!