The Everchosen Spring Invitational Recap


CA KingGobbo
April 8 2019

Last weekend, the Creative Assembly studio played host to yet another live clash of eight of the world’s best competitive Total War: WARHAMMER II players. With the scent of Warpstone from the upcoming release of The Prophet & The Warlock in the air, only one could emerge triumphant and scoop the lion’s share of the Everchosen Invitational’s biggest prize pool yet…

Day one

The first day of the Everchosen Spring Invitational kicked off with Romulan Dawg versus Everchosen newcomer KingoftheDead, with the latter seizing the win 2-1 against the Everchosen Summer Invitational second place winner. Next up Everchosen Summer Invitational champion Tlaxtlan Soothsayer faced off against Rightest, proving that he didn’t earn that title in vain by taking the matchup 2-0.

Indypride and Felkon were next to take the field, and it was another newcomer victory with Felkon closing out the matchup with a solid 2-0. Everchosen Halloween Invitational winner Aerocrastic also proved he hadn’t been crowned champion last year for nothing, securing a 2-0 win against Professor Pipes to close out the day.

You can find a full VOD of the quarter finals here:


Day two

Day two began with Tlaxtlan Soothsayer and KingoftheDead, with a series of hard-fought battles ultimately ending in a 2-1 victory for Tlaxtlan Soothsayer. Aerocrastic versus Felkon ended up being a little more decisive, with Felkon soundly defeating the reigning Everchosen champion 2-0. KingoftheDead pressed the advantage in the following battle for third place, defeating Aerocrastic 3-0 in a well-earned win.

At last the grand final could begin, with Tlaxtlan Soothsayer and Felkon charging into a best-of-five battle for the lofty title of Everchosen. With a full five matches of back-and-forth battles, competition was close – but there could be only one winner. Taking the crown for the second time, it was Tlaxtlan Soothsayer who finally secured the 3-2 win and $1,500 first prize – congratulations, Tlaxtlan Soothsayer!

Check out the full VOD of the semi and grand finals here:

The winners

With a prize worth many lizard trinkets up for grabs by the winner of this instalment of the Everchosen Invitational, competition was bound to be fierce – but only one could clinch the win. Below you’ll find a list of the competitors who came out on top to secure their share of the shinies:

  • First place ($1,500): Tlaxtlan Soothsayer
  • Second place ($750): Felkon
  • Third place ($500): KingoftheDead
  • Fourth place ($250): Aerocrastic


There were plenty of awesome moments during the Everchosen Spring Invitational – check out some of our favourites below.

Thank you!

Congratulations to our first two-time champion Tlaxtlan Soothsayer and thank you for joining us for the Everchosen Spring Invitational – remember, kids: say no to tournaments.