Twisted & Twilight Unit Balance Changes


December 3 2020


Beastlord – Razorgor Chariot

  • Additional hit points changed from 5468 to 5708

Khazrak the One-Eye – Razorgor Chariot

  • Additional hit points changed from 5700 to 5940
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 6


Barded Warhorse character mounts

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 1000 to 1300

Men-at-arms (Polearms)

  • Cost changed from 500 to 450

Foot Squires

  • Melee Attack changed from 25 to 26
  • Charge Bonus changed from 22 to 18
  • Melee Defence changed from 20 to 24
  • Cost changed from 675 to 700

Mounted Yeomen

  • Leadership changed from 48 to 50
  • Charge Bonus changed from 30 to 32
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 18 to 20
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 4 to 6

Mounted Yeomen Archers

  • Leadership changed from 44 to 45
  • Additional hit points changed from 66 to 67

Wardens of Montfort (Mounted Yeomen Archers)

  • Leadership changed from 54 to 55
  • Additional hit points changed from 66 to 67

Damsel – Warhorse 

  • Charge Bonus changed from 35 to 30

Damsel – Barded Warhorse

  • Charge Bonus changed from 35 to 30

Damsel – Unicorn

  • Charge Bonus changed from 40 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 22 to 26
  • Walk Speed changed from 2 to 1.9
  • Run Speed changed from 7.8 to 9.5
  • Acceleration changed from 7 to 6
  • Deceleration changed from 7 to 6
  • Charge Speed changed from 10.8 to 11
  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 750 to 600

Fay Enchantress – Foot

  • Melee Attack changed from 34 to 38
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 34

Fay Enchantress – Silvaron

  • Melee Attack changed from 42 to 46

Companions of Quenelles (Questing Knights RoR):

  • Cost from 1550 to 1600

Dark Elves

Lokhir Fellheart

  • Melee Attack changed from 65 to 60
  • Charge Bonus changed from 45 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 55 to 60
  • Melee Bonus vs Infantry changed from 25 to 30
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 8
  • Walk Speed changed from 1.5 to 1.7
  • Run Speed changed from 4 to 4.6
  • Charge Speed changed from 4.6 to 5.3

Lokhir Fellheart – Maelstrom

  • Melee Attack changed from 57 to 61
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 46

Malus Darkblade – T’zarkan

  • T’zarkan form damage amount changed from 45 to 9
  • T’zarkan form damage chance changed from 0.5 to 1
  • (Means on average a -60% in the amount of damage caused by T’zarkan form)

Cold One character mounts

  • Run Speed changed from 6.6 to 6.8
  • Entity Mass changed from 1050 to 1500

Crone Hellebron – foot

  • Melee Defence changed from 48 to 50
  • Added Fear attribute

Crone Hellebron – Dark Steed

  • Melee Defence changed from 48 to 50
  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800
  • Added Fear attribute

Crone Hellebron – Cauldron of Blood

  • Melee Attack changed from 36 to 40
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 155 to 245

Death Hag – Cauldron of Blood

  • Melee Attack changed from 32 to 34
  • Melee Defence changed from 21 to 22
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 180 to 85
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 80 to 205

Sorceress – Dark Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800

Supreme Sorceress – Dark Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800

Supreme Sorceress – Black Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 46 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 46

Master – Dark Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800

Dreadlord (Sword & Shield) – Dark Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800

Dreadlord (Sword & Shield)

  • Melee Attack changed from 54 to 58
  • Melee Defence changed from 52 to 48

Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow) – Dark Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 600 to 800

Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow)

  • Melee Attack changed from 50 to 54
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 46


  • Melee Attack changed from 54 to 58
  • Melee Defence changed from 52 to 48

Black Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 46 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 46

Feral Manticore

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large to large_bst
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 4 to 6

All Manticore mounts

  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 4 to 6

Cold One Dread Knights

  • Melee Attack changed from 39 to 40
  • Additional hit points changed from 104 to 122
  • Cost changed from 1250 to 1300

Knights of the Ebon Claw (Dread Knights)

  • Melee Attack changed from 49 to 50
  • Additional hit points changed from 104 to 122
  • Cost changed from 1500 to 1550


  • Melee Attack changed from 34 to 36
  • Charge Bonus changed from 15 to 16
  • Melee Defence changed from 30 to 32


  • Leadership changed from 54 to 56
  • Projectile Calibration Distance changed from 85 to 90
  • Projectile Calibration Area changed from 3.5 to 3.4
  • Cost changed from 575 to 550

Darkshards (Shields)

  • Leadership changed from 54 to 56
  • Melee Attack changed from 16 to 18
  • Melee Defence changed from 22 to 24
  • Projectile Calibration Distance changed from 85 to 90
  • Projectile Calibration Area changed from 3.5 to 3.4

The Bolt-fiends (Darkshards – Shields)

  • Leadership changed from 64 to 66
  • Melee Attack changed from 22 to 24
  • Melee Defence changed from 29 to 31

Black Ark Corsairs

  • Charge Bonus changed from 16 to 20

Black Ark Corsairs (Handbows)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 12 to 16
  • Melee Defence changed from 24 to 28


  • Melee Attack changed from 25 to 26
  • Melee Defence changed from 40 to 42

The Hellebronai (Dreadspears)

  • Melee Attack changed from 32 to 34
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 52


Norgrimlings Ironbreakers (Ironbreakers)

  • Melee Defence changed from 82 to 79
  • Cost changed from 1500 to 1600
  • Base Projectile Explosion damage from 30 to 27
  • Armour-Piercing Projectile Explosion Damage from 12 to 11


  • Melee Defence changed from 68 to 66
  • Base Projectile Explosion damage from 30 to 27
  • Armour-Piercing Projectile Explosion Damage from 12 to 11

Grombrindal – The White Dwarf

  • Leadership changed from 85 to 100
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 45
  • Additional hit points changed from 5800 to 6612
  • Armour changed from 120 to 125
  • Added Unbreakable attribute
  • Cost changed from 1400 to 1500

Ungrim Ironfist

  • Melee Attack changed from 70 to 65
  • Melee Defence changed from 40 to 50
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 145 to 130
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 285 to 310
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 35 to 30

Giant Slayers

  • Melee Attack changed from 50 to 48
  • Charge Bonus changed from 32 to 30
  • Melee Defence changed from 30 to 34
  • Additional hit points changed from 100 to 110
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 10 to 15
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 33 to 35

Ekrund Miners (Miners – Blasting Charges)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 10 to 12
  • Base Explosion Damage changed from 24 to 21


  • Charge Bonus changed from 6 to 12

Miners (Blasting Charges)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 6 to 12
  • Base Explosion Damage changed from 24 to 21


  • Charge Bonus changed from 18 to 24

Peak Gate Guard (Hammerers)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 18 to 24
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 15 to 14
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 40 to 41

Longbeards (Great Weapons)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 16 to 18

The Grumbling Guard (Longbeards – Great Weapons)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 16 to 18

Gyrocopter (Brimstone Gun)

  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64

Organ Guns

  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64


  • Leadership changed from 62 to 60


  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64


  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64


  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64

Flame Cannons

  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64

Quarrellers (Great Weapons)

  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64

Ulthar’s Raiders (Rangers – Great Weapons)

  • Leadership changed from 72 to 70

Grudge Throwers

  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64
  • Base explosion damage changed from 40 to 50
  • Ap explosion damage changed from 65 to 70

Gob-Lobbers (Grudge Throwers)

  • Leadership changed from 76 to 74
  • Base explosion damage changed from 40 to 50
  • Ap explosion damage changed from 65 to 70

Rangers (Great Weapons)

  • Leadership changed from 62 to 60


  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64

Bolt Throwers

  • Leadership changed from 75 to 64


  • Leadership changed from 66 to 64



  • Cost changed from 625 to 550
  • Replaced Charge Defense vs All with Charge Defense vs Large attribute

Arch Lector – Foot

  • Entity Mass changed from 400 to 600

Arch Lector – Warhorse

  • Run Speed changed from 7 to 7.8
  • Acceleration changed from 6 to 7
  • Deceleration changed from 6 to 7
  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 1500 to 950
  • Turn Speed changed from 60 to 120

Arch Lector – Barded Warhorse

  • Run Speed changed from 5.8 to 6.6

Karl Franz – Pegasus

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 5 to 8


Eight Peak Loonies

  • Cost changed from 650 to 700

Krimson Killerz

  • Cost changed from 1550 to 1450

Black Orc Big Boss

  • Cost changed from 775 to 825

Black Orc Big Boss – Warboar

  • Missile Block Chance changed from 55 to 35
  • Cost changed from 1075 to 1125
  • Grom the Paunch
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 5 to 8

Stone Trolls

  • Missile Resistance % changed from 30 to 25

Forest Goblin Spider Rider Archers

  • Additional hit points changed from 73 to 69

River Trolls

  • Melee Attack changed from 30 to 32

Savage Orc Boyz Big Uns

  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 15 to 0

Orc Boyz Big Uns

  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 15 to 0

Spider Hatchlings

  • Melee Building Damage changed from 5 to 10
  • Melee Attack Interval changed from 4.3 to 4

Deff Creepers (Forest Goblin Spider Rider Archers)

  • Additional hit points changed from 73 to 69

Forest Goblin Spider Riders

  • Additional hit points changed from 79 to 75

Lava Spider Rider Archers

  • Melee Attack changed from 22 to 15
  • Charge Bonus changed from 22 to 14
  • Melee Defence changed from 30 to 22
  • Additional hit points changed from 73 to 69

Da Swamp Fings (River Trolls)

  • Melee Attack changed from 38 to 40

Goblin Wolf Rider Archers

  • Cost increased from 350 to 375

Arachnarok Spider

  • Entity Projectile Intersection radius changed from 80% to 90%.

The Arachnarok Queen

  • Entity Projectile Intersection radius changed from 80% to 90%.

High Elves

Alarielle the Radiant: Eagle

  • Melee Defence changed from 47 to 40
  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Mount Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Noble – Eagle

  • Cost changed from 1250 to 1200.
  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Mount Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2


  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Noble – Ithilmar Chariot

  • Cost changed from 1200 to 1300

Teclis – Arcane Phoenix

  • Missile Resistance % changed from 15 to 0
  • Additional hit points changed from 7142 to 6890
  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Arcane Phoenix

  • Additional hit points changed from 7150 to 6890
  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Omen of Asuryan (Arcane Phoenix)

  • Additional hit points changed from 7150 to 6890
  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Flamespyre Phoenix

  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Frostheart Phoenix

  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Alastar the White Lion – Sun Dragon

  • Charge Bonus changed from 70 to 65
  • Melee Defence changed from 30 to 44

Alastar the White Lion – Star Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 60 to 64
  • Charge Bonus changed from 50 to 45
  • Melee Defence changed from 45 to 50

Archmage – Elven Steed

  • Charge Bonus changed from 35 to 30
  • Additional hit points changed from 3812 to 4132
  • Armour changed from 15 to 25

Archmage – Tiranoc Chariot

  • Additional hit points changed from 4140 to 4440

Archmage – Moon Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 46 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 48 to 44

Imrik – Star Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 70 to 74
  • Melee Defence changed from 60 to 56

Prince – Star Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 64 to 68
  • Melee Defence changed from 58 to 54

Prince – Griffon

  • Melee Attack changed from 52 to 54
  • Melee Defence changed from 38 to 42

Princess – Moon Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 46 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 48 to 44

Princess – Star Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 60 to 64
  • Melee Defence changed from 54 to 50

Princess – Griffon

  • Melee Defence changed from 36 to 38

Moon Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 46 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 46

Star Dragon

  • Melee Attack changed from 60 to 64
  • Melee Defence changed from 54 to 50

Ymwrath the Eternal

  • Melee Attack changed from 76 to 80
  • Melee Defence changed from 68 to 64

Shackolot the Calamity

  • Melee Attack changed from 50 to 54
  • Melee Defence changed from 62 to 56

Lamoureux the Frozen Breath

  • Melee Attack changed from 56 to 50
  • Melee Defence changed from 60 to 56

Bruwor, Protector of Life

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Eltharion the Grim – Stormwing

  • Melee Attack changed from 54 to 56

Tyrion – both

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 5 to 8


Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek ability)

  • Base Vortex damage from 4 to 5

Bastiladon (Solar Engine)

  • Projectile Calibration Area changed from 2.5 to 3

Nakai the Wanderer

  • Charge Bonus changed from 24 to 32
  • Additional hit points changed from 6960 to 7360


  • Charge Bonus changed from 60 to 75
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 3 to 6
  • Run Speed changed from 6 to 7
  • Acceleration changed from 6 to 7
  • Charge Speed changed from 7.5 to 9
  • Turn Speed changed from 200 to 260
  • Fly Speed changed from 9 to 11
  • Flying Charge Speed changed from 12 to 12.5

Drop Sphere of Tepok

  • Base Explosion Damage changed from 72 to 90
  • Armour-piercing explosion damage changed from 36 to 40

Drop Sphere of Tepok Upgraded

  • Base Explosion Damage changed from 108 to 126
  • Armour-piercing explosion damage changed from 52 to 56

Kroq-gar – Foot

  • Cost changed from 1200 to 1100

Kroq-gar – Cold One

  • Cost changed from 1500 to 1400

Kroq-gar – Horned One

  • Cost changed from 1600 to 1500

Kroq-gar – Grymloq

  • Cost changed from 2200 to 2100

Skink Priest – Terradon

  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 3 to 6

Skink Chief – Terradon

  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 3 to 6

Terradon Riders

  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 70% to 80%

Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)

  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 70% to 80%

Pahuax Sentinels (Terradon Riders RoR)

  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 70% to 80%

Chameleon Skinks

  • Melee Defence changed from 24 to 22

Cohort of Huatl (Sacred Kroxigor RoR)

  • Cost changed from 1700 to 1600

Lord Kroak

  • Cost changed from 1600 to 1450

Saurus Spears (Shields)

  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 30 to 29
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 13
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 15 to 16

Saurus Spears

  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 30 to 29
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 13
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 15 to 16

Legion of Chaqua (Saurus Spears)

  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 30 to 29
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 13
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 15 to 16

Ripperdactyl Riders

  • Additional hit points per entity changed from 512 to 540

Colossadon Hunters (Ripperdactyl Riders)

  • Additional hit points per entity changed from 512 to 540



  • Cost changed from 1100 to 1200


Wulfrik – Foot & Horse

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 6

Ice Trolls

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 3 to 4
  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 0 to 20
  • Hit Reaction Ignore Chance changed from 0 to 20


  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 15 to 0

Brutes of the Hound (Berserkers RoR)

  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 15 to 0

Feral Manticore

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large to large_bst (no forest penalties)
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 4 to 6
  • Marauders (Great Weapons)
  • Charge Bonus changed from 21 to 22
  • Cost reduced from 525 to 500


Skavenslave Spears

  • Melee Attack changed from 10 to 9


  • Melee Defence changed from 12 to 10

Skavenslave Slingers

  • Melee Defence changed from 8 to 7
  • Warlord – Bonebreaker
  • Charge Bonus changed from 50 to 55
  • Additional hit points changed from 5768 to 6368
  • Cost changed from 1150 to 1000

Plague Priest – foot

  • Entity Mass changed from 110 to 250

Grey Seer – foot

  • Entity Mass changed from 110 to 400

Queek Headtaker

  • Melee Attack changed from 63 to 66
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 43
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 5 to 6

Iksha’s Triads (Eshin Triads) – Decoy

  • Melee Attack changed from 38 to 0
  • Charge Bonus changed from 10 to 0
  • Melee Defence changed from 36 to 0
  • Melee Building Damage changed from 10 to 0

Tomb Kings

Settra the Imperishable – Khemrian Warsphinx

  • Melee Attack changed from 36 to 40
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 38

Tomb King – Khemrian Warsphinx

  • Melee Attack changed from 34 to 38
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 38

Khemrian Warsphinx

  • Melee Attack changed from 34 to 38
  • Melee Defence changed from 42 to 38


  • Melee Attack changed from 45 to 48
  • Melee Defence changed from 43 to 40

The Sphinx of Usekph (Necrosphinx)

  • Melee Attack changed from 56 to 61
  • Melee Defence changed from 53 to 50

Skeleton Horsemen

  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 5 to 6

High Queen Khalida – foot

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 6

High Queen Khalida – Necroserpent

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 6
  • Armour changed from 90 to 110

Vampire Coast

Animated Hulks

  • Melee Attack changed from 30 to 32
  • Run Speed changed from 3.8 to 4.2
  • Charge Speed changed from 6.5 to 6.8

Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Pistols)

  • Number of men changed from 160 to 120
  • Melee Attack changed from 12 to 14
  • Additional hit points changed from 46 to 50
  • Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
  • Missile Spread changed from 1 to 0
  • Base Missile Damage changed from 10 to 12
  • Reload Time changed from 9 to 11
  • Projectile calibration area changed from 2 to 2.4 (reduced accuracy)

Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Bombers)

  • Number of men changed from 160 to 120
  • Melee Attack changed from 12 to 14
  • Additional hit points changed from 46 to 50
  • Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
  • Reload Time changed from 9 to 10
  • Base Explosion Damage changed from 15 to 16
  • Armour-piercing Explosion Damage changed from 5 to 4
  • Cost changed from 400 to 450

Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handguns)

  • Number of men changed from 160 to 120
  • Additional hit points changed from 46 to 50
  • Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
  • Base Missile Damage changed from 4 to 5
  • Armour-Piercing Missile Damage changed from 13 to 17
  • Reload Time changed from 13 to 14

The Black Spot (Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob – Handguns)

  • Number of men changed from 160 to 120
  • Additional hit points changed from 46 to 50
  • Base Missile Damage changed from 4 to 5
  • Armour-Piercing Missile Damage changed from 13 to 17
  • Reload Time changed from 13 to 14

Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Hand Cannons)

  • Number of men changed from 160 to 120
  • Additional hit points changed from 46 to 50
  • Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
  • Base Missile Damage changed from 3 to 4
  • Armour-Piercing Missile Damage changed from 8 to 12
  • Reload Time changed from 13 to 14
  • Projectile Calibration Distance changed from 35 to 45

Depth Guard

  • Melee Attack changed from 49 to 50
  • Charge Bonus changed from 25 to 30
  • Melee Defence changed from 33 to 36
  • Entity Mass changed from 140 to 160

Depth Guard (Polearms)

  • Melee Attack changed from 35 to 42
  • Charge Bonus changed from 10 to 20
  • Melee Defence changed from 47 to 44
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 14
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 28 to 30
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 30 to 28
  • Entity Mass changed from 140 to 160

The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard (Depth Guard)

  • Melee Attack changed from 44 to 52
  • Charge Bonus changed from 10 to 20
  • Melee Defence changed from 58 to 54
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 14
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 28 to 30
  • Melee Bonus vs Large changed from 30 to 28
  • Entity Mass changed from 140 to 160

Luthor Harkon – foot

  • Ammunition of primary weapon changed from 50 to 30
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 5 to 6

Luthor Harkon – Terrorgheist

  • Ammunition of primary weapon changed from 50 to 30


  • Cost changed from 700 to 750

Vampire Counts

Helman Ghorst – Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart

  • Cost changed from 850 to 650

Master Necromancer – Corpse Cart

  • Cost changed from 600 to 450

Master Necromancer – Corpse Cart (Balefire)

  • Cost changed from 750 to 550

Master Necromancer – Corpse Cart (Unholy Lodestone)

  • Cost changed from 850 to 650

Necromancer – Corpse Cart

  • Cost changed from 450 to 400

Necromancer – Corpse Cart (Balefire)

  • Cost changed from 600 to 500

Necromancer – Corpse Cart (Unholy Lodestone)

  • Cost changed from 700 to 600

Vlad von Carstein

  • Charge Bonus changed from 28 to 35
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 310 to 130
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 170 to 300
  • Added Terror attribute
  • Cost changed from 1000 to 1200

The Devils of Swartzhafen (Vargheists)

  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 72 to 30
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 38 to 70
  • Vargheists
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 72 to 30
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 38 to 70

The Red Duke – Foot, Nightmare, Hellsteed

  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 8

Wight King – Skeletal Steed

  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 900 to 1000

Warriors of Chaos


  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 44 to 46

The Daemonspew (Forsaken)

  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 44 to 46

Aspiring Champions

  • Additional hit points per entity changed from 190 to 230
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 32 to 34
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 14
  • Knock Ignore Chance changed from 0 to 20

Chaos Feral Manticore

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large to large_bst (no forest penalties)
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 4 to 6

All Manticore mounts

  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 4 to 6

Archaon the Everchosen – Dorghar

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to large


  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 32 to 34
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 12 to 14

Kholek Suneater

  • Melee Attack changed from 60 to 66
  • Melee Defence changed from 52 to 46
  • Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
  • Melee Attack changed from 52 to 58
  • Melee Defence changed from 50 to 44

Prince Sigvald the Magnificent

  • Leadership changed from 90 to 100
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 4 to 8
  • Added Perfect Vigour attribute
  • Replaced Foe Seeker and Deadly Onslaught abilities with Slippery and Heroic Killing Blow in custom battles.

Chaos Warriors (Halberds)

  • Melee Defence changed from 38 to 42

Chosen (Halberds)

  • Melee Defence changed from 54 to 56

Chaos Marauders (Great Weapons)

  • Charge Bonus changed from 21 to 22
  • Cost reduced from 500 to 475

Wood Elves

Glade Lord

  • Leadership changed from 70 to 75

Glade Lord – Elven Steed

  • Leadership changed from 70 to 75
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large (+15% melee defence and +50% accuracy in forests)
  • Added Vanguard Deployment

Glade Lord – Eagle

  • Leadership changed from 70 to 75
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Firing Arc changed from 60 to 360
  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Mount Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Glade Lord – Forest Dragon

  • Leadership changed from 70 to 75
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Firing Arc changed from 60 to 360


  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Added Vanguard Deployment attribute

Spellsinger – foot

  • Charge Bonus changed from 19 to 20
  • Entity Mass changed from 300 to 400
  • Entity Height changed from 1.5 to 2.6

Spellsinger – Unicorn

  • Charge Bonus changed from 44 to 50
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Walk Speed changed from 2 to 1.9
  • Run Speed changed from 7.8 to 9.5
  • Acceleration changed from 7 to 6
  • Deceleration changed from 7 to 6
  • Charge Speed changed from 10.8 to 11
  • Mount Entity Mass changed from 750 to 600

Spellsinger – Eagle

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Cost changed from 900 to 850
  • Mount Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Mount Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2

Great Eagle

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Projectile Intersection Radius changed from 130% to 120%
  • Entity radius changed from 1.8 to 2


  • Physical Resistance % changed from 0 to 20
  • Missile Resistance % changed from 20 to 0
  • Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
  • Run Speed changed from 5.4 to 5.5
  • Added fire whilst moving attribute

Tree Kin

  • Melee Defence changed from 51 to 46
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 40 to 60
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 18 to 26
  • Melee Splash Attack Max Attacks changed from 2 to 3
  • Added Vanguard Deployment attribute

Firebark Elders (Tree Kin)

  • Melee Attack changed from 33 to 34
  • Melee Defence changed from 62 to 57
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Base Weapon Damage changed from 40 to 60
  • Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 18 to 26
  • Added Vanguard Deployment attribute


  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Added Vanguard Deployment attribute

Ancient Treeman

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Added Vanguard Deployment attribute


  • Melee Defence changed from 24 to 25
  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from small to elves_wef
  • Run Speed changed from 3.6 to 4.3
  • Charge Speed changed from 4.2 to 5.2


  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from small to elves_wef
  • Run Speed changed from 3.8 to 4.3
  • Charge Speed changed from 4.5 to 5.2


  • Accuracy changed from 15 to 10
  • Cost increased from 1150 to 1200

Hawkeyes of Drakira

  • Cost changed from 1450 to 1500

Deepwood Scouts

  • Projectile calibration area changed from 4.5 to 4.2 (increased accuracy)

Sisters of the Thorn

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Wild Riders

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Wild Riders (Shields)

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large
  • Melee Weapon Length changed from 1 to 2

Wild Hunters of Kurnous (Wild Riders – Shields)

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Glade Riders

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large

Hawk Riders

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large to elves_wef_large
  • Firing Arc changed from 120 to 360

Forest Dragon

  • Ground Statistic Effect Group changed from large_bst to elves_wef_large


Menace Below

  • Wind-up time changed from 1 to 5

Realm of Souls – Ushabti

  • Wind up time changed from 5 to 10

Axe of Dargo

  • Removed recharge in melee condition
  • Recharge time changed from 15 to 120 second
  • Duration from 16 to 29 seconds.


  • Removed recharge in melee condition.
  • Recharge time changed from 15 to 120 seconds
  • Duration from 18 to 33 seconds.

Hellfire Sword

  • Removed recharge in melee condition.
  • Duration changed from 50 to 42 seconds.

Pendant of Slaanesh

  • Removed recharge in melee condition.
  • Duration changed from 42 to 25 seconds.

Dolourous Blade

  • Removed recharge in melee condition.
  • Duration changed from 48 to 27 seconds.

Slayer of Kings

  • Removed recharge in melee condition
  • Duration changed from 39 to 25 seconds.


  • Base Melee Damage effect changed from +60% to +50%
  • Added +50% Armour-Piercing Melee Damage effect
  • Duration changed from 47 to 24 seconds.

Gaze of Khaine

  • Base Melee Damage effect changed from +30% to +25%
  • Added +25% Armour-Piercing Melee Damage effect
  • Removed +8 leadership effect

Wardancer dance abilities (Storm of Blades, Shadow’s Coil, Woven Mist)

  • Changed to toggled stances (duration from 30 to infinite)

Scourge (Khazrak)

  • Duration changed from 41 to 35 seconds.
  • Removed poison contact effect.
  • Removed +24 melee attack phase effect.
  • Removed +24 melee defence phase effect.
  • Added +32 bonus vs infantry phase effect.
  • Added +25% base weapon damage phase effect.
  • Added +25% armour-piercing weapon damage phase effect.
  • Added +50% splash attack power (knockdown force) phase effect.

Dark Mail (Khazrak)

  • Removed +30 armour phase effect.
  • Removed +25% magic resistance phase effect.
  • Added +20% ward save phase effect.

Von Carstein Ring

  • Changed to unlimited uses.
  • Ward Save effect change from +90% to +66%.
  • Duration changed from 30 to 22 second.

Grombrindal Has No Fear

  • Radius from map-wide to 55 meter radius.
  • +24 Melee Defence effect added.
  • Duration from 32 to 24 seconds.

Rune of Oath and Steel

  • Now targets friendly units (and affects units around target)
  • Has casting range of 200m

Rune of Negation

  • Now targets friendly units (and affects units around target)
  • Has casting range of 200m

Master Rune of Oath and Steel

  • Now targets friendly units (and affects units around target)
  • Has casting range of 200m

Master Rune of Negation

  • Now targets friendly units (and affects units around target)
  • Has casting range of 200m

Restore (Necrotect)

  • Duration changed from 20 to 24

Hold the Line (Empire)

  • Cost changed from 80 to 150

Ostermark Runefang

  • Radius changed from 30 to 40.

Disrupted! – contact effect

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +50% to +100%

Trickster’s Pendant

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +50% to +100%

Circlet of Iron (Malekith)

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +50% to +100%

Curse Charm of Tepok

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +25% to +50%

Ring of Hotek

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +25% to +50%

Hagtree Fetish

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from -50% to -75%

Soul Eater (Cygor)

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +25% to +50%

Divine Power (Warrior Priests, Archlector, Volkmar)

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +25% to +50%

Wurrzag’s Revenge

  • Miscast Chance Modifier changed from +50% to +100%

Destroyer (Malekith)

  • Changed phase blocked period from 90 to 45 (meaning the phase can be re-applied on an unit 45 seconds after the previous one expired)

Lucky Skullhelm (Tretch)

  • Changed phase blocked period from 45 to 0 (meaning whenever Tretch loses in melee combat, the phase can activate)


Removed minimum casting range from all spells except for magic missiles. 

Transformation of Kadon

  • Winds of Magic cost from 14 to 18

Drowned Dead Upgraded

  • Winds of Magic cost from 9 to 10

Pestilent Birth

  • Winds of Magic cost from 12 to 14


  • Winds of Magic cost from 6 to 7

Burning Head

  • Base vortex damage from 24 to 14
  • Vortex start radius from 5 to 7
  • Vortex goal radius from 5 to 7

Burning Head Upgraded

  • Base vortex damage from 24 to 21

Penumbral Pendulum

  • Base vortex damage from 72 to 36

Penumbral Pendulum Upgraded

  • Base vortex damage from 72 to 36


  • Base vortex damage from 72 to 54
  • Armour-piercing vortex damage from 36 to 27